About Us

Who we are

We are an innovative clinic thanks to the constant concern for the quality of our Staff, excellence in service, and the process of continuous improvement for our patients.

Our experience confirms that there is no overall health without a mouth well attended. We are convinced that prevention along with professional care certified is guaranteed to enjoy oral health. Managing to avoid diseases, infections and loss of teeth, among other problems.

Our Clinical Facts

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Our Doctors Team

Dra Brianda Itzel Lopez Villa
Cirujano Dentista / Bucal Surgery

Dra Cecilia Contreras
Odontologia Pediétrica / Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Juan Carlos Sanchez Ortiz
Cirujano Dentista / Bucal Surgery

Dr Carlos Avendaño
Periodoncia e implantología / Periodontics and Implantology

Dr. Jose Martinez
Cirujano Dentista / Bucal Surgery

Dr. Aldo Muzquiz
Endodoncia / Endodontics

Professional Dentists Expert with Modern Technology

Make Appointment or call – (210) 390-9030 / (210) 390-9028